Yate Letty Galapagos
First Class Galapagos Cruises
Desde $4370 USD
Galapagos - Ecuador
8 - 15
Valoración Viajeros
de 2 reseñas
Travelers Rating


  • Camarote triple disponible
  • Ventanas grandes en camarote y vistas panorámicas
  • Kayaks dobles y/o individuales disponibles a bordo
  • Acceso a internet wifi a bordo del barco
  • Comidas tipo buffet
  • Crucero recientemente remodelado
  • Instalaciones de comedor al aire libre
  • Camas bajas individuales, en lugar de literas estándar
Desde $4370USD
Imagina navegar por aguas turquesas en un crucero, donde el cielo besa el horizonte y un sentido de aventura lleva a encuentros con fauna extraordinaria. Yate Letty Galapagos ofrece esto y más. Un paraíso para los viajeros. Cada viaje a bordo promete una experiencia cautivadora para toda la familia, siguiendo los pasos de las criaturas más fascinantes de la naturaleza. Desvela un viaje como ningún otro.

El Yate Letty Galapagos se erige como un faro de excelencia. Este crucero de primera clase está diseñado para proporcionar una magnífica combinación de confort y aventura. Los huéspedes son transportados en un crucero para explorar el encantador archipiélago, creando recuerdos en familia mientras descubren una increíble diversidad de fauna.

La elegancia se encuentra con un encanto incomparable.

Con una atención meticulosa al detalle, el yate cuenta con amplias cabinas, cocina gourmet y una tripulación experta comprometida en ofrecer un servicio excepcional. Navega por áreas ecológicamente significativas.

Los viajeros se ven inmersos en paisajes impresionantes y en la flora y fauna únicas de las Galápagos, haciendo de cada viaje una experiencia transformadora. El Yate Letty Galapagos ofrece una oportunidad inigualable para presenciar de cerca los milagros de la naturaleza.

La Experiencia Definitiva de la Vida Silvestre

Descubre el esplendor intacto de la naturaleza.

El Yate Letty Galapagos coloca a los huéspedes en el corazón de ecosistemas diversos. El yate sirve como un pasaje exclusivo hacia encuentros íntimos con fauna extraordinaria, ofreciendo una profunda comprensión de las complejidades de la naturaleza. Los visitantes son testigos de comportamientos e interacciones que simplemente deben experimentarse para ser creídos.

Una aventura como ninguna otra.

Maravíllate ante los juguetones lobos marinos. Observa especies de aves raras.

Cada expedición brinda momentos de pura maravilla, un privilegio que pocos han experimentado. Desde las curiosas iguanas marinas hasta las icónicas tortugas gigantes, los recuerdos de este viaje perduran mucho después de que concluya.

Estos viajes notables destacan la dedicación inquebrantable a los esfuerzos de conservación, fomentando conexiones duraderas entre los viajeros nostálgicos y la naturaleza prístina que son las Galápagos, eco de la hospitalidad excepcional y el compromiso a bordo del Yate Letty Galapagos.

¿Por qué Elegir Yate Letty Galapagos?

El Yate Letty Galapagos ofrece un acceso inigualable a la impresionante vida silvestre de las Islas Galápagos.

Su compromiso con la excelencia garantiza una experiencia superior a través de itinerarios cuidadosamente seleccionados, guías naturalistas profesionales y grupos íntimos. Estos elementos hacen del Yate Letty Galapagos una opción destacada para aquellos que buscan una aventura inmersiva y educativa. Los huéspedes tienen el privilegio de observar magníficas criaturas en su hábitat natural, enriquecido por los conocimientos expertos de profesionales experimentados.

Además, el Yate Letty Galapagos cuenta con una dedicación inquebrantable a la sostenibilidad. Al adherirse a prácticas estrictamente ecológicas, no solo preservan el entorno prístino, sino que también mejoran la conexión del viajero con este archipiélago único. La atención meticulosa al detalle en la planificación y ejecución subraya su estatus como líderes en ecoturismo.

Como resultado, el Yate Letty Galapagos ofrece un viaje extraordinario caracterizado por el confort, la educación y la conservación. Los recuerdos duraderos formados a bordo de este yate excepcional reflejan su compromiso de ofrecer una experiencia inigualable en Galápagos. El Yate Letty Galapagos no es solo un yate; es una puerta de entrada a una apreciación más profunda del mundo natural.

Explora los itinerarios del Yate Letty

El Yate Letty Galápagos ofrece itinerarios meticulosamente diseñados para maximizar los encuentros con la vida silvestre y las experiencias culturales. Cada aventura abarca siete noches, lo que permite a los viajeros sumergirse por completo en la impresionante belleza de las Islas Galápagos.

Los huéspedes pueden elegir entre dos rutas distintas, cada una con destinos y actividades únicos. Esta flexibilidad garantiza una exploración integral y enriquecedora del archipiélago.

Itinerario A – Islas del Oeste y Centro Sur: 7 Días – 6 Noches

Los viajeros descubrirán ecosistemas diversos, encontrarán vida silvestre única y explorarán paisajes prístinos durante esta aventura inmersiva.

Observe el raro pingüino de Galápagos tomando el sol en las costas rocosas, una experiencia exclusiva de estas islas.

Día 1: Martes

AM: Llegada al aeropuerto de la Isla Baltra y traslado
A su llegada al aeropuerto de la Isla Baltra, será recibido y trasladado al Yate Letty Galápagos. Instálese y prepárese para una aventura inolvidable.

PM: Isla Rábida
Por la tarde, explore la Isla Rábida, conocida por sus llamativas playas de arena roja y su diversa vida silvestre. Disfrute de una visita guiada para observar lobos marinos, iguanas marinas y una variedad de especies de aves.

Día 2: Miércoles

AM: Isla Santiago: Caleta Bucanero
Comience su día con una visita a Caleta Bucanero en la Isla Santiago. Este sitio histórico, que una vez fue un escondite de piratas, ofrece fascinantes formaciones geológicas y excelentes oportunidades para practicar esnórquel.

PM: Isla Santiago: Puerto Egas / Playa Espumilla
Por la tarde, visite Puerto Egas y Playa Espumilla en la Isla Santiago. Puerto Egas es famoso por sus playas de arena negra y piscinas de marea, mientras que Playa Espumilla es un sitio de anidación para tortugas marinas y un excelente lugar para la observación de aves.

Día 3: Jueves

AM: Isla Fernandina: Punta Espinoza
Explore Punta Espinoza en la Isla Fernandina por la mañana. Esta área alberga una gran colonia de iguanas marinas, cormoranes no voladores y los únicos pingüinos de Galápagos.

PM: Isla Isabela: Bahía Urbina
Por la tarde, diríjase a la Bahía Urbina en la Isla Isabela. Este sitio ofrece la oportunidad de ver iguanas terrestres, tortugas gigantes y el dramático arrecife de coral elevado.

Día 4: Viernes

AM: Isla Isabela: Bahía Elizabeth
Comience su día con una visita a la Bahía Elizabeth en la Isla Isabela. Esta área es conocida por sus bosques de manglares y su rica vida marina, incluyendo tortugas marinas, rayas y el ocasional pingüino de Galápagos.

PM: Isla Isabela: Punta Moreno
Por la tarde, explore Punta Moreno en la Isla Isabela. Este sitio presenta impresionantes formaciones de lava, piscinas de marea cristalinas y una variedad de especies de aves.

Día 5: Sábado

AM: Isla Isabela: Tintoreras / Volcán Chico y Sierra Negra
Comience su mañana con una visita a Tintoreras, un pequeño grupo de islotes conocidos por sus tiburones de arrecife de punta blanca. Luego, haga una caminata por el Volcán Chico y Sierra Negra, uno de los volcanes más activos de Galápagos, que ofrece impresionantes vistas.

PM: Isla Isabela: Muro de las Lágrimas / Centro de Tortugas
Por la tarde, visite el Muro de las Lágrimas, un sitio histórico construido por prisioneros, y el Centro de Tortugas, donde podrá aprender sobre los esfuerzos de conservación de las tortugas gigantes.

Día 6: Domingo

AM: Isla Santa Cruz: Estación de Investigación Charles Darwin
Visite la Estación de Investigación Charles Darwin en la Isla Santa Cruz por la mañana. Este centro está dedicado a la conservación e investigación de la vida silvestre única de las Islas Galápagos.

PM: Isla Santa Cruz: Bahía Tortuga
Por la tarde, relájese en Bahía Tortuga, una hermosa playa de arena blanca conocida por sus aguas prístinas y su abundante vida marina, incluyendo tortugas marinas e iguanas marinas.

Día 7: Lunes

AM: Isla San Cristóbal: Isla Lobos
Comience su último día con una visita a Isla Lobos en la Isla San Cristóbal. Esta pequeña isla alberga una gran colonia de lobos marinos y ofrece excelentes oportunidades para practicar esnórquel.

PM: Isla San Cristóbal: Traslado de Salida
Por la tarde, será trasladado al aeropuerto para su vuelo de salida al continente, concluyendo su inolvidable viaje a bordo del Yate Letty Galápagos.

Este itinerario combina una exploración de la naturaleza sin igual con alojamientos de lujo, reflejando el compromiso de Letty con el turismo sostenible y las aventuras inolvidables.

Itinerary B – East & Central Islands: 9 Days – 8 Nights

Embark on an extraordinary journey.

Day 1: Monday

AM: San Cristobal Island: Arrival & Transfer to Boat
Arrive at San Cristobal Island and transfer to the Letty Galapagos Yacht. Settle in and prepare for your adventure.

PM: San Cristobal Island: Interpretation Center / Cerro Colorado
In the afternoon, visit the Interpretation Center to learn about the history and ecology of the Galapagos Islands. Then, explore Cerro Colorado, a breeding center for the endangered giant tortoises.

Day 2: Tuesday

AM: San Cristobal Island: Pitt Point
Start your day with a visit to Pitt Point, known for its dramatic landscapes and as one of the few places where you can see all three species of boobies: blue-footed, red-footed, and Nazca boobies.

PM: San Cristobal Island: Witch Hill / Kicker Rock
In the afternoon, explore Witch Hill, a beautiful white sand beach with excellent snorkeling opportunities. Then, visit Kicker Rock, a stunning rock formation that is a popular spot for diving and snorkeling.

Day 3: Wednesday

AM: Española Island: Gardner Bay
Begin your day at Gardner Bay on Española Island, a pristine beach perfect for snorkeling, kayaking, and observing sea lions.

PM: Española Island: Suarez Point
In the afternoon, visit Suarez Point, known for its impressive blowhole and as a prime location for spotting the waved albatross, which nests here.

Day 4: Thursday

AM: Floreana Island: Baroness Overlook / Post Office Bay
Start your morning with a visit to the Baroness Overlook for panoramic views of Floreana Island. Then, head to Post Office Bay, where you can participate in the centuries-old tradition of leaving and picking up postcards.

PM: Floreana Island: Cormorant Point
In the afternoon, explore Cormorant Point, known for its green sand beach and a lagoon that is home to flamingos and other bird species.

Day 5: Friday

AM: North Seymour Island
Begin your day at North Seymour Island, famous for its large colonies of blue-footed boobies and frigatebirds. Enjoy a guided walk to observe these fascinating birds up close.

PM: Bartolome Island
In the afternoon, visit Bartolome Island, known for its iconic Pinnacle Rock. Hike to the summit for breathtaking views and enjoy snorkeling with penguins and sea turtles.

Day 6: Saturday

AM: Genovesa Island: Darwin Bay
Start your day at Darwin Bay on Genovesa Island, a birdwatcher’s paradise with species such as red-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, and frigatebirds.

PM: Genovesa Island: El Barranco
In the afternoon, explore El Barranco, also known as Prince Philip’s Steps. This steep, rocky path leads to a plateau teeming with birdlife, including Nazca boobies and storm petrels.

Day 7: Sunday

AM: South Plazas Island
Begin your day at South Plazas Island, known for its vibrant red and green vegetation and a large colony of land iguanas.

PM: Santa Fe Island
In the afternoon, visit Santa Fe Island, home to the unique Santa Fe land iguana and a picturesque bay perfect for snorkeling and swimming.

Day 8: Monday

AM: Santa Cruz Island: El Chato Tortoise Farm (Highlands) / Twin Craters
Start your morning with a visit to El Chato Tortoise Farm in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island to see giant tortoises in their natural habitat. Then, explore the Twin Craters, two large sinkholes surrounded by lush vegetation.

PM: Santa Cruz Island: Charles Darwin Research Station
In the afternoon, visit the Charles Darwin Research Station to learn about the conservation efforts and research being conducted to preserve the unique wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.

Day 9: Tuesday

AM: Santa Cruz North Island: Borrero Bay
Begin your final day with a visit to Borrero Bay on the north side of Santa Cruz Island. This tranquil bay is ideal for kayaking and observing marine life such as rays and sea turtles.

AM: Baltra Island: Transfer. Departure. Flight to Mainland
In the late morning, transfer to Baltra Island for your departure flight to the mainland, concluding your incredible journey aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht.

An unforgettable adventure awaits discerning travelers, blending captivating explorations with the impeccable service of the Letty Galapagos Yacht. This itinerary stands as a testament to the unparalleled beauty and profound experiences that define the Galapagos archipelago.

Itinerary C – South & Central Islands: 5 Days – 4 Nights

Immerse yourself in nature’s splendor.

Day 1: Monday

AM: San Cristobal Island: Arrival & Transfer to Boat
Arrive at San Cristobal Island and transfer to the Letty Galapagos Yacht. Settle in and prepare for your adventure.

PM: San Cristobal Island: Interpretation Center / Cerro Colorado
In the afternoon, visit the Interpretation Center to learn about the history and ecology of the Galapagos Islands. Then, explore Cerro Colorado, a breeding center for the endangered giant tortoises.

Day 2: Tuesday

AM: San Cristobal Island: Pitt Point
Start your day with a visit to Pitt Point, known for its dramatic landscapes and as one of the few places where you can see all three species of boobies: blue-footed, red-footed, and Nazca boobies.

PM: San Cristobal Island: Witch Hill / Kicker Rock
In the afternoon, explore Witch Hill, a beautiful white sand beach with excellent snorkeling opportunities. Then, visit Kicker Rock, a stunning rock formation that is a popular spot for diving and snorkeling.

Day 3: Wednesday

AM: Española Island: Gardner Bay
Begin your day at Gardner Bay on Española Island, a pristine beach perfect for snorkeling, kayaking, and observing sea lions.

PM: Española Island: Suarez Point
In the afternoon, visit Suarez Point, known for its impressive blowhole and as a prime location for spotting the waved albatross, which nests here.

Day 4: Thursday

AM: Floreana Island: Baroness Overlook / Post Office Bay
Start your morning with a visit to the Baroness Overlook for panoramic views of Floreana Island. Then, head to Post Office Bay, where you can participate in the centuries-old tradition of leaving and picking up postcards.

PM: Floreana Island: Cormorant Point
In the afternoon, explore Cormorant Point, known for its green sand beach and a lagoon that is home to flamingos and other bird species.

Day 5: Friday

AM: North Seymour Island
Begin your day at North Seymour Island, famous for its large colonies of blue-footed boobies and frigatebirds. Enjoy a guided walk to observe these fascinating birds up close.

AM: Baltra Island: Transfer. Departure. Flight to Mainland
In the late morning, transfer to Baltra Island for your departure flight to the mainland, concluding your incredible journey aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht.

Engage in enlightening endeavors such as snorkeling, kayaking, and hiking, which unveil surreal underwater worlds and breathtaking terrestrial vistas. In each moment aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht, visitors are enveloped in exceptional, awe-inspiring beauty. Embrace this transformative journey, setting sail on an adventure of a lifetime.

Itinerary D – North & Central Islands: 5 Days – 4 Nights

Experience the splendor of the Galapagos Islands like never before with this meticulously crafted itinerary.

Day 1: Friday

AM: Baltra Island: Arrival & Transfer to Boat
Arrive at Baltra Island and transfer to the Letty Galapagos Yacht. Settle in and prepare for your adventure.

PM: Bartolome Island
In the afternoon, visit Bartolome Island, known for its iconic Pinnacle Rock. Hike to the summit for breathtaking views and enjoy snorkeling with penguins and sea turtles.

Day 2: Saturday

AM: Genovesa Island: Darwin Bay
Start your day at Darwin Bay on Genovesa Island, a birdwatcher’s paradise with species such as red-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, and frigatebirds.

PM: Genovesa Island: El Barranco
In the afternoon, explore El Barranco, also known as Prince Philip’s Steps. This steep, rocky path leads to a plateau teeming with birdlife, including Nazca boobies and storm petrels.

Day 3: Sunday

AM: South Plazas Island
Begin your day at South Plazas Island, known for its vibrant red and green vegetation and a large colony of land iguanas.

PM: Santa Fe Island
In the afternoon, visit Santa Fe Island, home to the unique Santa Fe land iguana and a picturesque bay perfect for snorkeling and swimming.

Day 4: Monday

AM: Santa Cruz Island: El Chato Tortoise Farm (Highlands) / Twin Craters
Start your morning with a visit to El Chato Tortoise Farm in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island to see giant tortoises in their natural habitat. Then, explore the Twin Craters, two large sinkholes surrounded by lush vegetation.

PM: Santa Cruz Island: Charles Darwin Research Station
In the afternoon, visit the Charles Darwin Research Station to learn about the conservation efforts and research being conducted to preserve the unique wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.

Day 5: Tuesday

AM: Santa Cruz North Island: Borrero Bay
Begin your final day with a visit to Borrero Bay on the north side of Santa Cruz Island. This tranquil bay is ideal for kayaking and observing marine life such as rays and sea turtles.

AM: Baltra Island: Transfer. Departure. Flight to Mainland
In the late morning, transfer to Baltra Island for your departure flight to the mainland, concluding your incredible journey aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht.

This itinerary is designed for those with an unquenchable thirst for discovery and an appreciation for nature’s marvels.

Letty Galapagos Yacht Cabin Options and Features

The Letty Galapagos Yacht offers an array of first class cabins, catering to diverse preferences and needs.

Each cabin is thoughtfully designed to provide a sanctuary of comfort with panoramic windows, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding seascape. Whether opting for a twin or double-bed configuration, passengers can rest assured of experiencing impeccable hospitality amidst sophisticated interiors.

Uniquely, these cabins feature climate control systems ensuring optimal temperature regulation. In addition, premium linens, ample storage space, and modern amenities are in place to elevate the sense of indulgence for all guests.

Furthermore, the en-suite bathrooms are outfitted with eco-friendly toiletries and rain showers, ensuring both comfort and sustainability. With attention to every detail, the Letty Galapagos Yacht promises an unparalleled level of elegance, making it the perfect choice for an unforgettable wildlife adventure.

Key Wildlife Species to Spot

The Galapagos Islands teem with life.

Guests aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht have unrivaled opportunities to witness an array of remarkable species. One of the highlights for many visitors is spotting the majestic giant tortoises, who wander free across their natural habitats. Additionally, playful sea lions are a common sight, delighting passengers with their acrobatic antics.

Renowned for their diverse birdlife, the islands are a birdwatcher’s paradise.

Travelers often find themselves captivated by blue-footed boobies – with their striking blue feet and intricate mating dances – that inhabit the region. These seabirds, along with the magnificent frigatebirds, whose males have a distinct red throat pouch, offer unforgettable birdwatching moments.

A journey with the Letty Galapagos Yacht ensures unparalleled wildlife encounters. Guests feel inspired by the close interactions with such unique species, fostering a deeper appreciation for the natural world. This transformative experience in one of the planet’s last pristine ecosystems is what sets this voyage apart.

Expert Naturalist Guides Aboard Letty Galapagos Yacht

On the Letty Galapagos Yacht, guests benefit from the expertise of experienced naturalist guides. These professionals share their extensive knowledge of the Galapagos Islands, ensuring each tour is insightful. Their passion and dedication elevate the experience, transforming every excursion into a memorable adventure.

With a keen understanding of the region’s unique flora and fauna, the naturalist guides provide detailed explanations. They not only identify species but offer context regarding their behaviors and conservation status. Their informative and engaging tours leave visitors enriched and inspired.

The naturalist guides on the Letty Galapagos Yacht are certified professionals with years of experience. This certification ensures that they uphold the highest standards of ecotourism, ensuring sustainable and responsible travel practices. Their commitment to preservation and education enhances the overall experience for all guests.

Beyond their scientific expertise, these guides possess a genuine enthusiasm that is contagious. Visitors often find themselves enthralled by the stories and anecdotes shared during excursions. This deep connection to the Galapagos, coupled with their comprehensive knowledge, ensures each guest leaves with a profound understanding and respect for this extraordinary archipelago.

Letty Galapagos Yacht Adventure Activities Offered

Onboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht, a mixture of exhilarating adventure activities awaits guests. Kayaking, snorkeling, and hiking provide thrilling opportunities, allowing them to explore stunning landscapes and richly diverse marine environments up close.

Guests can enjoy snorkeling with sea turtles, rays, and vibrant fish in crystal-clear waters, or take a guided kayak tour through serene mangroves. Each hike, led by expert naturalists, uncovers the pristine beauty of the islands and offers unforgettable encounters with unique wildlife. Together, these activities make every moment on the Letty Galapagos Yacht an extraordinary adventure, blending excitement with deep ecological appreciation.

Snorkeling and Diving

Guests aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht will be delighted by the unparalleled snorkeling and diving experiences available.

  1. Crystal-Clear Waters: Encounter a vibrant underwater world teeming with life.
  2. Professional Guides: Certified dive masters ensure a safe and educational adventure.
  3. Diverse Marine Life: Swim alongside playful sea lions, majestic rays, and colorful fish.
  4. Exclusive Locations: Journey to remote dive sites accessible only by yacht.
  5. Top-Notch Equipment: State-of-the-art gear provided for an optimal experience.
Snorkeling offers face-to-face encounters with sea turtles and tropical fish.

Diving reveals the hidden wonders of deep-sea caverns and coral reefs.

Embark on these aquatic escapades to witness the boundless beauty and biodiversity of the Galapagos.

Hiking and Nature Walks

Guests aboard the Letty Galapagos Yacht will find hiking and nature walks to be an enchanting way to explore the island’s biodiversity.

  • Guided Exploration: Expert naturalists lead informative and engaging tours.
  • Diverse Landscapes: Walk through lush highlands, arid lowlands, and volcanic formations.
  • Rich Wildlife: Spot iconic species such as giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and blue-footed boobies.
  • Scenic Views: Enjoy breathtaking vistas from various vantage points.
  • Educational Insights: Learn about the unique ecosystem and conservation efforts.
These guided hikes offer an immersive experience for nature enthusiasts.

Participants will uncover the secrets of the Galapagos, enhancing their appreciation of its natural beauty.

Customer Experiences and Reviews

Guests rave about their experiences.

The Letty Galapagos Yacht has garnered praise for its exceptional service. Many travelers highlight the knowledgeable and attentive crew, meticulously planned itineraries, and unparalleled wildlife encounters. Their stories share an abiding appreciation for the yacht, attributing memorable and transformative journeys to the outstanding expertise of the onboard team.

Comments reflect sheer admiration.

One guest shared that every day aboard the yacht is a new adventure they cherish. Each excursion offers fresh insights into the fragile ecosystem, making every outing feel like a unique discovery.

Another reviewer expressed their awe at the yacht’s comfortable accommodations, mentioning that the Letty Galapagos Yacht surpassed their expectations in every way. They appreciated the personalized attention and the small group size, which allowed for an intimate and enriching experience. These sentiments resonate with many others who have embarked on this unforgettable voyage.

Booking Your Tour Aboard Letty Galapagos Yacht

Booking your adventure on the Letty Galapagos Yacht is straightforward. Travelers can find detailed information below for departures and reaching a Galapagos expert at GreenGo Travel.

GreenGo Travel has enhanced its booking system, providing seamless access to detailed itineraries, departure dates, and cabin types. This assures potential guests that they can make informed decisions.

Moreover, it’s not just about efficiency. The website’s user-friendly interface ensures an enjoyable booking experience from the start. The team acknowledges the importance of making the process as delightful as the voyage itself.

For those preferring personalized assistance, expert travel consultants are readily available. These professionals offer tailored advice, ensuring that every prospective traveler finds a tour that fits their unique desires.

This dedication to a smooth booking process underscores their commitment. They truly prioritize making every journey exceptional from the first click or call.

Tarifas e Itinerarios 2025

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Letty Inclusions & Exclusions

Letty Deck Plan

Yate Letty Galapagos Detalles Generales

Lower Twins
Cabins: 2
Lower Twins
Lower Deck
Lower Triples
Cabins: 2
Lower Triples
Lower Deck
Upper Convertibles
Cabins: 4
Upper Convertibles
Dolphin Deck

Cabin Specifications

  • Cabins:
    8 staterooms
  • Single:
  • Bunkbeds:
  • Twin/double:
  • Convertible:
  • Triple:
  • Interconnected:
  • Suite:
  • Bedding:
    Twin (2 singles),Bunk + Single,Double or Twin
  • Sharing:

Cruise Technical Specifications

  • Vessel type:
    Motor yacht
  • Year built:
  • Length:
    25 m / 83 ft
  • Beam:
    7.5 m / 24 ft
  • Max speed:
    8 Knots
  • Crew:
    9 + 1 guide
  • Capacity:
    16 guests
  • Engine:
    2x 402 HP Caterpillar 8-cylinder turbo diesel
  • Decks:
    2 decks
  • Balconies:

Cruise Facilities

Cruise Surcharges

Children Aboard Cruise
  • Minimum age:
    6 years old
  • Eligible age:
    Under 12 years old
  • Eligible disount:
  • Restriction:
    Travel with 2 full paying adults
Expenses Aboard
  • Bar:
    Cash & credit card
  • Tipping:
    $15 crew, $15 guide | per person/day
  • Wetsuit rental:
    $20 per person | All cruise lengths
  • Souvenirs:
  • Internet:
    Wifi Included

Cruise Notices

  • Eligible discounts & offers year round, inquire your trip advisor
  • Peak season surcharge, approx 20%
  • Penalty fee applies, if airfare is not issued with cruise
  • Single supplement 60%
  • Subject to fuel surcharge
  • Travel insurance is highly reccommended and encouraged
Los itinerarios, inclusiones y exclusiones están sujetos a cambios por parte del Parque Nacional Galápagos o la administración de cada crucero.

Reseñas Clientes 0 Reseñas

  • Calcificacion General
  • Itinerario
  • Guianza
  • Transporte
  • Acomodacion
  • Comida
  • Tripulacion

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